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8/11/2024 10:01 AM

​A joint project of 5 railroad historical societies including GNRHS, you'll find "Railroad Archives Online" to be a much easier-to-use source of online historical info. Click here​ for a direct link to the GN portion - most info is currently under Photos and AFEs. The Norm Priebe collection of steam locomotive photos was added recently.

This is a work in progress and our volunteers have a vast amount of scanned material yet to upload. So this site will remain live for some time as we transition. Enjoy, and please send any questions or feedback to our team at

11/17/2020 8:34 AM

The GNRHS Archives has posted the following new collections:

These are the fruits of many hundreds of hours of scanning and data entry effort by volunteers at both the east and west end archive facilities. ​

4/3/2019 8:46 AM

We've added a link to thousands of photos posted by the John W. Barriger III National Railroad Library, featuring lineside scenes from GN, NP, SP&S, Milwaukee Road and any other railroads, dating from the 1920's thru 1950's. The GN_Cascade​Division area at left features a small group of these photos that have been straightened and cropped.

1/8/2016 3:13 PM

​The Wade Stevenson collection of GN photos was generously donated to the GNRHS Archives by the MRHA. Scanning performed by Stuart Holmquist., indexing/descriptions by Dan Bolyard. There are holes in the collection, as some locations and railroads are unknown.

12/24/2015 3:54 PM

Dozens of new photos added to the Jim Parker collection. Mostly NP equipment, some GN. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!​

6/13/2015 5:18 PM

​The Jim Parker GN/NP photo collection has been added. Captioning is complete. Software upgrades were completed last month to improve site performance.

6/11/2015 6:32 PM

​GN valuation maps have been scanned for various locations in Washington state. Great detail for researchers and modelers. Also, more scans have been added to the RailroadForms section.

8/15/2013 11:25 AM
Photos/documents from George Leu collection added to GN_CascadeDivision, including last runs of steam and electric locomotives, a 1947 wreck, and engineer Al Strandrud's retirement. Don't miss George's book at the GNRHS Store. Also, an inventory of SP&SRHS Archive Boxes located at Jackson St Roundhouse, containing material of interest to SP&S, GN and NP researchers. And new additions to the Railroad Forms section.
6/22/2013 12:36 PM
Wilbur R. Shannon was the last Chief Mechanical Officer for the NP. Over 1,000 photos including NP, GN, BN, SP, UP and other subjects. Also new: many more WA State Sanborn maps under GN_CascadeDivision.
5/21/2013 11:40 AM
Maps of Anacortes, WA circa 1950, courtesy of GNRHS member Kert Peterson. See "GN_CascadeDivision"
4/13/2013 12:24 AM
Many new GN & NP operating forms added to the RailroadForms section. Greatly expanded ArchiveHoldings section, showing NP & GN collections at east-end and west-end archives (MN and WA state). Photos by Mac McCulloch of 1968 repairs to Rock Island bridge across Columbia River near Wenatchee, WA (see GN_Misc)
1/17/2013 10:55 AM
Under "GN_Miscellaneous", correspondence and statistics from the 1890's and 1900's regarding crossties including the experimental triangular ties covered in Joel Goldberg's recent GN Goat article. New Spokane Division seniority roster added.
12/8/2012 11:31 AM
All photos from the Gene Hawk Collection have been scanned and uploaded
10/7/2012 4:32 PM
Cascade Division Conductor & Brakeman seniority rosters from late 50's/early 60's; interesting collection of Operating Bulletins & Circulars from 1960/1962; additional BN Pacific District seniority rosters 1970/1971. Also "Railroad Forms", a new picture library containing scans of operating and administrative paperwork; GN "Origin of Station Names" for MT, WA, OR and CA; and a COMPLETE transcription of a week's worth of Cascade Division train orders, plus a scanned train register from Appleyard 1955.
8/24/2012 9:41 AM
Gene Hawk Collection 150+ Images uploaded
4/4/2012 2:30 PM
"Consolidated Code of Operating Rules of 1967" added to GN_Misc
2/9/2012 3:38 PM
We've added west-end GN and BN seniority rosters - go to GNCascadeDivision and click 'SeniorityRosters'. Most years between 1950 and 1970 are included, as well as the dovetailed (from all roads) BN merger roster. Plus 1929, 1918, and a system-wide 1917 list. Most include both engineers and firemen. From the GNRHS Archives, George Leu Collection. Great history and great for genealogy as well.
1/8/2012 12:10 AM
* the extensive George Werkema photo collection, color slides with a strong emphasis on freight cars
* interesting documents added under GN_Misc including dispatcher manuals, a 1969 directory of Officers/Agents/Stations, a 1909 list of passenger train equipment, and a sample scan of RPC account entries
5/11/2011 11:01 AM
Over 2,000 GN depot and related photos are now online, from the collections of Norm Keyes, Don Tank, and previously posted photos from Charles Bohi and Cordell Newby.
3/5/2011 10:23 PM
* The Cordell Newby GN photo collection is now fully indexed! Thanks to over a year's hard work by Bruce Barsness in St. Paul, you can now look up locations, engine #'s, structures, etc. for over 1900 photos.
* 1956 Spokane Division seniority roster and "Rocky" hydroplane photos added to GN_Misc section.
* Front page links added to Thompson Collection and Russell Johnson photos/videos - mostly NP, some GN & Milwaukee
* Links to Pullman Project database, GN EMD diagrams, and GN & NP freight car photos also added to front page
9/26/2010 3:51 PM
1) Photo collection of Doug Wingfield of Lethbridge, AB. Includes GN, NP, and SP&S locations and subjects, both pre- and immediately post-merger. 2) Full GN equipment lists for 7 different years, in .pdf form, scanned by Don Pavia of Bellingham, WA.
6/19/2010 7:17 PM
1) An index to the 40,000 AFE files saved by Jim Mattson from BN’s Seattle engineering offices. Quite complete in its listings for west-end locations. See "GN_AFE_Mattson"
2) Photos of GN depots and related subjects from the collection of Charles W. Bohi, including pre-and post-merger scenes. Look under "GN_Depots"
3) Some 103-year old train orders and a clearance form from Eureka, MT. Courtesy of Doug Wingfield of Lethbridge, AB, look under "GN_Misc"
3/10/2010 2:13 PM
* A list of GN Interlockings circa 1935, assembled by Peter Thompson.
* Direct links to resources on the NPRHA research site, for convenience.
Several updates to the "GN_CascadeDivision" area:

* a Dispatcher's Train Order log book for Monday, December 10, 1956, when both the North Coast Limited and Milwaukee's Olympian Hiawathas detoured over GN rails. Transcription and commentary by Dave Sprau.
* scans of 1894 Stevens Pass profile maps including the Martin Creek trestles and west-side switchbacks. Large .pdf files, scroll down near the bottom. Courtesy James Mattson.
* photos of Everett Junction and a wreck at the NP Crossing area of Interbay Yard.

In coming months look for additional GN PR photos and Keyes collection photos.

2/6/2010 9:03 PM
* 83 Great Northern Public Relations Department photos, mostly made by the Hedrich Blessing Company of Chicago. Chuck Hatler and others have helped with additional captions and location info.
* A 1935 map of GN interlocking locations, posted under "GNCascadeDivision" although it's system-wide.

Hat tip to Stuart Holmquist for the scanning work. The GN-NP Joint Archives site now features 41,727 scans of drawings, maps and photos plus an online index of nearly 100,000 AFE files - one of the largest collections of railroad material on the Internet.

In other news, Bruce Barsness is busy indexing the Cordell Newby slides at JSRH in St. Paul. When complete, we'll merge this data with the currently online collection, which will make it easier for you to search.

Thanks again to everyone who has assisted and continues to assist this effort.
11/24/2009 5:01 PM
* updated GN AFE/RPC index - now nearly 100,000 items!
* more documents under GNCascadeDivision - "Seattle Situation" and other telegrams, employee timetable
11/15/2009 9:47 PM
...are now online.  That's almost 3,100 photos in all - enjoy!  Special thanks to Phil Webb and Stu Holmquist respectively for their scanning and indexing efforts.
10/28/2009 10:26 PM
The BETA version of the joint archives site is up and running.  Many thanks are in order:
  • Technology & Web Development - Gary Tarbox, Sean Cantellay, Dean O'Neill, Bill Sornsin, Jeff Otto.
  • Archival, Scanning, Cataloging, Remodeling - Stu Holmquist, Larry Schrenk, John Thomas, Mike Borkan, Duane Amdahl, Jim Chinquist, Gary Wildung, Doug Complin, Bruce Barsness, Jim Dick, Bob Kelly, Ed Ursem, John Oliver, Bill Sornsin, Jeff Otto, and more...
  • The Donors - too numerous to list, but without their generosity the archives would not exist.

Special Thanks - BNSF Railway and Minnesota Transportation Museum