| | 1894 Profile Maps of Stevens Pass | | | | |
| | AREA1954-TrackingOfGNElectricsOnCurves | | | | |
| | Barriger Library Photos - cropped and adjusted | | | | |
| | MolanderFamily | | | | |
| | SeniorityRosters | | | | |
| | WashingtonMaps | | | | |
|  | 1935-interlockings | Map of interlockings on the GN circa 1935, showing location, type, number of levers, and ownership. From JSRH collection courtesy Stuart Holmquist. | 805 KB
| | gif |
|  | EdmondsE80-1944-GNRHS | GN plat map for Edmonds, WA, "railroad east" end including depot area, circa 1944. Very large file - 18.5 Mb. | 18561 KB
| | gif |
|  | 1910doubleheaderApproachingSeattle | | 28 KB
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|  | 1951 CD 1st Sub Timetable | Just a sample... | 68 KB
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|  | 2521fromApril1958LocomotiveEngineersJournal | Last steam locomotive to run out of Seattle, March, 1953 | 195 KB
| | jpg |
|  | 34-19_New Westminster_1 | Track map of New Westminster BC circa 1945 - part 1 | 941 KB
| | jpg |
|  | 34-19_New Westminster_2 | Track map of New Westminster BC circa 1945 - part 2 | 926 KB
| | jpg |
|  | AlStrandrudLastRun | Al's last run. L-R: Bill Strandrud, Fireman; Frank Crutchley, Road Foreman; Dick Tanguay, Trainmaster; Bill Lowney, Master Mechanic; Reggie Whitman, Supt; George Leu - Local Chmn BofLE; Al Strandrud, Engineer; Lee Barnes, Trainmaster. | 1122 KB
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|  | BerneDepotWaltGrecula | East side of depot at Berne, WA. Date unknown, photo by Walt Grecula. | 476 KB
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|  | CascadeDivTrainOrderOiler1936 | Cascade Division train order from 1936, authorizing two work extras on the mainline between Ballard and Everett, including daily local "The Oiler". Dave Sprau collection. | 574 KB
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|  | Dean Hausle | Courtesy of the late Dean Hausle (at left in photo) | 62 KB
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|  | Ed Carter and tower | under glass at Cascade Federal Credit Union, Seattle | 51 KB
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|  | EverettJunction | Looking north towards Weyerhauser mill (smokestack). Coast Line to Vancouver to left; mainline at right climbs to upper level of Everett depot then curves east through downtown tunnel. | 61 KB
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|  | EverettVicinityI144-18-1936 | Map of GN Everett area lines circa 1936 | 6643 KB
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|  | GN O-4 3216 | Somewhere on the Cascade Division - date and photographer unknown. | 60 KB
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|  | GN Vets Lunch 2 | Old Country Buffet, Shoreline, WA - 4/14/2005 | 543 KB
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|  | GN Vets Lunch | The late Frank Parker at far left, Jack Christensen enjoying his ice cream in foreground. Old Country Buffet, Shoreline, WA - 4/14/2005 | 587 KB
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|  | GN1246 | Now rotting in the weeds of southern Oregon. Lindsay Korst photo. | 50 KB
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|  | GN1246Interbay1953 | Back in 1953, after a thorough cleanup and painting by proud Interbay shop forces, in preparation for move to display at Woodland Park in Seattle. | 75 KB
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|  | GN1450in1948NPbridge | GN 1450 detouring on the NP bridge over the Seattle ship channel, account GN Bridge 4 drawbridge out of service, 1948. Photographer unknown. | 41 KB
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|  | GN1458in1949 Interbay fuel area | | 48 KB
| | jpg |
|  | GN2036Skykomish1944LeuPhoto | Snapshot of GN "mallet" 2036 at Skykomish, WA, taken by George E. Leu in 1944. GNRHS Archives, George Leu Collection. | 802 KB
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|  | GN2040Interbay1940 | | 45 KB
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|  | GN2501 with Train 459 at Woodland | Class P-2 Mountain #2501 at Woodland, WA with train 459. | 137 KB
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|  | GN5017onCascadian | GN 5017 Y-1 class electric locomotive on GN Train #6, The Cascadian at Skykomish, WA. Note "high car" at left used for maintaining catenary. Philip B. Korst, Jr. photo courtesy GNRHS member Lyndsay Korst. See many more photos at http://www.gngoat.org | 292 KB
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|  | GN5019-Berne | GN 5019 near Berne, WA. From photo postcard. GNRHS Archives, George Leu Collection. | 2199 KB
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|  | GNRHS.55.13.31 | General Electric experimental, straight AC, 2500hp B-B electric locomotives at Skykomish, WA. Built in 1952, 2 units were leased to the GN as demonstrators, but were purchased by PRR in 1953, joining their class E2B. Stevenson Collection, GNRHS Archives. | 224 KB
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|  | Greenhouse 1920s | Greenhouse at Monroe, WA | 329 KB
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|  | I.E. Clary | Cascade Division Superintendent Ira E. Clary. A serious man. | 2436 KB
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|  | IMG_0429 | Surveyor's transit, circa early 1890's, used by GN Railway | 5183 KB
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|  | InterbayWreck | Accident on Interbay yard south lead tracks, at "NP Crossing", NP tracks cross GN from left-to-right to access industries and Navy docks. Small NP yard at left in front of barracks; NP semaphore visible at right. "G yard" in distance. Likely mid-60's. | 276 KB
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|  | King St 1951 refsheet 285 | King Street photos circa 1951 and 1915, from GNRHS Reference Sheet 285 (available at gnrhs.org) | 2595 KB
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|  | KingStInteriorEHMitchell | From an E.H. Mitchell Company (San Francisco) postcard, courtesy GNRHS member Walt Grecula | 511 KB
| | jpg |
|  | KSS North end singleslip refsheet 281 | View of UD (South Portal) "tower" and single-slip switch circa 1969, located at north end of King Street Station, Seattle, WA. From GNRHS Reference Sheet 281 (available at gnrhs.org) | 2708 KB
| | jpg |
|  | KSS South Portal track replacement 7-48 from PI | South Portal track replacement 1948, from Seattle Post-Intelligencer collection at MOHAI. | 197 KB
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|  | KSSDouglasLeach-bright | | 4441 KB
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|  | LastElectric | Last electric run on the GN, July 31, 1956, eastward from Skykomish to Wenatchee, WA. Andy Strom, engineer, Ted Cleveland, fireman. GNRHS Archives, George Leu Collection. | 717 KB
| | jpg |
|  | LastRunGN2521-SeaTimes3-24-1953 | 1953 news story about last GN steam locomotive (2521 Class P-2 "Mountain") to run out of Seattle. As with the 1950 "Last Run" story (see PDF file section below), it is in the form of an open letter to GN management. George Leu Collection, GNRHS Archives. | 953 KB
| | jpg |
|  | McKinnonKratzke | Bill McKinnon and Gene Kratzke at Spokane, 1947, on pilot of the GN 2038. | 2174 KB
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|  | Monroe Depot 7-31-55 | Monroe Depot 7-31-55 | 292 KB
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|  | MonroeEastEnd | East switch, Monroe siding. Note spring switch signals, and semaphores in distance. Milwaukee Road Everett Branch curves off to the right, on its way to the Milwaukee mainline at Cedar Falls. Dave Sprau photo. | 40 KB
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|  | MunroSandhop | GN employes Jim Munro and Herb Sandhop, July 1962 | 2121 KB
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|  | NPInterbayDepot | Depot/yard office. Per Jack Christensen, "I don’t think there was a yardmaster. Switch jobs went to Fremont and the university- switching limits extended to Keith. Others served Terry Ave, 3 shifts. Generally 2 engines tied up at Interbay in 50s/60s." | 937 KB
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|  | R.N. Whitman | R.N. "Reg" Whitman, Cascade Division Superintendent. | 2494 KB
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|  | RVN16958 6-19-51 | | 61 KB
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|  | SalmonBayBridgePanel | | 2648 KB
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|  | SeattleSituationSep3_1964 | 6am Situation Report from Seattle. Shows delays to trains, loads-empties-tonnage, various other interesting information. This is a sample of one day - a PDF file of entire month of September is below. | 336 KB
| | jpg |
|  | SouthPortalUDTowerWaltGrecula | BN-era photo of the GN interlocking "tower" outside the south portal of the downtown Seattle tunnel, just north of King St. Station, Seattle, WA. Telegraph code "UD". Photo by GNRHS member Walt Grecula. | 1075 KB
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|  | Spokane1961 | | 253 KB
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|  | SpokaneWAeastca1957Downing | Railroad map of Spokane (EAST) circa 1957, distributed at GNRHS Spokane convention by Bob Downing. | 2920 KB
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|  | SpokaneWAwestca1957Downing | Railroad map of Spokane (WEST) circa 1957, distributed at GNRHS Spokane convention by Bob Downing. | 3268 KB
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|  | UDinterlocking-SouthPortal | | 2319 KB
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|  | UDlevers | | 2544 KB
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|  | UDmanipulation | | 3224 KB
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|  | WenatcheeSub1978WaltGrecula | 1978 photo of the GN substation in downtown Wenatchee, originally built to serve the Wenatchee-Skykomish electrified district from 1929 to 1956. Photo by GNRHS member Walt Grecula. | 1238 KB
| | jpg |
| | 1949nighton3rdtrick | A 1949 night on the 3rd trick with Cascade Division dispatcher Ed Khatain. Detailed transcription of train orders with commentary. | 279 KB
| | pdf |
| | 1949-OS-SKYKOMISH | A recap of train movements originating or passing through Skykomish, WA in early February, 1949 | 237 KB
| | pdf |
| | AppleyardRegister55 | Register of eastbound trains arriving at Great Northern's "Appleyard" yard near Wenatchee, WA in 1955. Sorry, no westbounds or Spokane Division trains, this is all we have! | 6738 KB
| | pdf |
| | AREA1954-TrackingOfGNElectricLocos10DegCurves | American Railway Engineering Association report on the tracking characteristics GE class W electric locomotives on 10-degree curves on the GN, circa 1954. Scan by Chuck Hatler. | 7756 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-02-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1325 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-03-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1352 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-04-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1293 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-05-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1149 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-06-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1299 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-07-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1319 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-08-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1405 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-09-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1389 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-10-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1369 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-11-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1335 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-12-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1212 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-13-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1320 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-14-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1398 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-15-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1474 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-16-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1439 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-17-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1393 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-18-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1292 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-19-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1237 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-20-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1307 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-21-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1362 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-22-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1357 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-23-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1435 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-24-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1377 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-25-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1313 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-26-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1228 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-27-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1305 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-28-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1327 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-30-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1323 KB
| | pdf |
| | Cascade Div 2nd Sub 03-31-1961 | Dispatchers Record of Movement of Trains - aka trainsheet. From the Dave Sprau Collection. | 1161 KB
| | pdf |
| | CascadeDivApr55transcription | COMPLETE transcription of GN Train Dispatcher’s Order Book for the Cascade Division 1st Sub, between Wenatchee & Everett, WA in 1955. Includes orders for all train movements: passenger, through & local freight, work trains & the "high car". | 701 KB
| | pdf |
| | CascadeDivBulletinsCirculars1962 | GN Cascade Division operating bulletins and circulars reissued by division superintendent RH Shober on January 1, 1962. Wide variety of topics covered. | 1610 KB
| | pdf |
| | CascadeDivBulletinsJan1960 | GN Cascade Division operating bulletins reissued by division superintendent RH Shober on January 1, 1960. Wide variety of topics covered. | 6349 KB
| | pdf |
| | CascadeDivCircularsJan1960 | GN Cascade Division circulars reissued by division superintendent RH Shober on January 1, 1960. Wide variety of topics covered. | 14588 KB
| | pdf |
| | CascadeDivTT103_4-23-65 | 15 pages of employee timetables, special instructions, business tracks, and condensed profile. Useful to understand the "Seattle Situation" telegrams from same year. Large .pdf file. | 9844 KB
| | pdf |
| | GNDispatcherOrderBook12-10-56 | Transcribed Cascade Division Dispatcher's Train Order log book for Monday, December 10, 1956. A day when both the North Coast Limited and Milwaukee's Olympian Hiawathas detoured over GN rails. Transcription and commentary by Dave Sprau. | 173 KB
| | pdf |
| | ICCTongaDerailment | ICC report on fatal accident at Foss River Bridge, Tonga, WA on March 7, 1945 | 381 KB
| | pdf |
| | KingSt1940 | Blueprint of King Street Station and coachyard area, circa 1940. Large .pdf file. | 14778 KB
| | pdf |
| | KingSt1950s | Blueprint of King Street Station and coachyard area circa 1950's. Exact date unknown. Large .pdf file. | 8886 KB
| | pdf |
| | LastRunGN2054-SeaTimes3-24-1950 | 1950 news story about last GN "Mallet" locomotive (pronounced "mally" by train crews but actually a simple articulated locomotive) to run out of Seattle. In the form of an open letter to GN management. George Leu Collection, GNRHS Archives. | 2599 KB
| | pdf |
| | OldsWreck1947 | Wreck at Olds Junction, WA (just north/railroad west of Wenatchee) in 1947, including train orders. George Leu Collection, GNRHS Archives. | 5338 KB
| | pdf |
| | SeattleSituationJun65 | Daily 6am Situation Reports from Seattle for June 1965. Shows delays to trains, loads-empties-tonnage, various other info. Some pages harder to read than others. Courtesy former GN employee Michael McLaughlin. Large .pdf file. | 7852 KB
| | pdf |
| | SeattleSituationOct64 | Daily 6am Situation Reports from Seattle for October 1964. Shows delays to trains, loads-empties-tonnage, various other info. Some pages harder to read than others. Courtesy former GN employee Michael McLaughlin. Large .pdf file. | 9251 KB
| | pdf |
| | SeattleSituationOct65 | Daily 6am Situation Reports from Seattle for October 1965. Shows delays to trains, loads-empties-tonnage, various other info. Some pages harder to read than others. Courtesy former GN employee Michael McLaughlin. Large .pdf file. | 10117 KB
| | pdf |
| | SeattleSituationSep64 | Daily 6am Situation Reports from Seattle for September 3-29, 1964 Shows delays to trains, loads-empties-tonnage, various other info Some pages harder to read than others. Courtesy former GN employee Michael McLaughlin. Large .pdf file. | 8006 KB
| | pdf |
| | SeattleSituationSep65 | Daily 6am Situation Reports from Seattle for September 1965. Shows delays to trains, loads-empties-tonnage, various other info. Some pages harder to read than others. Courtesy former GN employee Michael McLaughlin. Large .pdf file. | 5548 KB
| | pdf |
| | SeattleTelegramEphrataFireJun65 | Telegrams relating to a fire in contents of mail car at Ephrata, WA, June 1965. | 158 KB
| | pdf |
| | SeattleTelegramMisc1965 | Telegrams on miscellaneous subjects, including tour arrangements, from Seattle during 1965. | 845 KB
| | pdf |
| | SeattleTelegramSkyDerailJun65 | Telegrams related to a derailment 4 miles east of Skykomish, WA (old Tonga) in June 1965. Includes contents of derailed cars, interesting for modelers. | 1273 KB
| | pdf |
| | SeattleTelegramTitlowDerailJun65 | Telegrams related to a derailment at Titlow, WA (just south of Tacoma on NP Seattle-Portland double track) in June 1965. | 563 KB
| | pdf |
| | GN_1953_CabRide | | 3064 KB
| | ppt |
|  | EdmondsE80-1944-GNRHS | | 23111 KB
| | tif |