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Inventory of SP&SRHS Archive Boxes located at PNRA, Burien, WA. Inventoried by David Turner June 24-30, 2010;  Excel consolidation by Bill Sornsin. Fifteen Boxes No. GN-1 thru GN-15, (shipped from Portland via AMTRAK Waybill 2171295). GN Legal Documents believed to be from the GN Seattle Engineering Office provided to SP&SRHS; apparently selected to include projects or agreements from the following localities: joint trackage near Longview & Chehalis, Wash., a couple for the PA&P acquisition by United Ry, almost half for SP&S main line Vancouver, WA to Portland Union Station, a few for Oregon Trunk (OT) Wishram to Bend, OR and almost half for GN Klamath Division, with some OC&E. For questions/comments/corrections, please email Dave Turner: spsrwyfan (at)

Count= 527
GN-1See Notes5429-23883BOX SUMMARY
Law Department - files OC&E 90, 91; United 17436; CC&C 19577; OT 15148, 22045; SP&S 100, 101, 102, 103, 109, 7978, 8333, 9514, 11002, 11003, 11042, 14082, 17955, 18371, 19504 & 19606; GN 5429 - 23883
Agreement dated February 25, 1936, with Spangler Lumber Company Assignment to W. A. Spangler, D. A Weidler, Loren L. Palmerton, and Lucie M. Spangler, interest in Spur track between OC&E and Crane Mills.
GN-1A-91Culverts1948OC&ESprague RiverOR
Agreement dated June 21, 1948 with Charles E. Drew, Jr., for 3 culvert crossings. OC&E #432
GN-1A-100Grain Elevator land1934SP&SVancouverWA
Agreement dated January 15, 1934, between Port of Vancouver and SP&S RY, covering lease from Port to Ry Co of land for erection of grain elevator.
GN-1A-101Grain Elevator land1934SP&SVancouverWA
Agreement Dated January 15, 1934, between SP&S Ry and Continental Grain Co covering lease of grain elevator
GN-1A-102 Mainline relocation1934SP&SNorth BonnevilleWA
Agreement dated June 8, 1934, between United States of America and SP&S Ry covering construction of SP&S mainline in new location at North Bonneville made necessary by the Bonneville Power Navagation Project.
GN-1A-103Mainline relocation1934SP&SNorth BonnevilleWA
Agreement dated October 14, 1934 between SP&S Ry and Columbia Construction Co in connection with construction of Bonneville dam.
GN-1A-109Mainline relocation1937SP&SNorth BonnevilleWA
Agreement dated August 20, 1937, between SP&S Ry and U.S.A. covering flowage easement in connection with the Bonneville Project.
GN-15429Computer wiring1968GNKlamath FallsOR
Agreement dated October 9, 1968 with East Side Electric Co to provide wiring for Univac Data Communicator Terminal DCT No. 2000 with air conditioning in the machine room in yard office at South Klamath Falls, Oregon (WC 5429)
GN-1A-7978Joint trackage1909-53SP&S, GN, NPPortlandOR
Agreement dated December 1, 1909, Between Spokane Portland & Seattle Ry Co and Northern Pacific Ry Co and Great Northern Ry Co covering Joint use of trackage from Columbia River Bridge to Portland and Portland Terminals. (Includes subsequent agreements for specific locations within that area, such as Doane Street yard, Front Street tracks, Weidler Dock tracks, etc.)
GN-1A-8333Joint bridge  trackage1909-49SP&S, GN, NP, UP, OWR&NPortlandOR
Agreement dated July 1,1909, with SP&S, NP and GN covering use of bridge across Oregon Slough and Columbia River. 1949 supplement includes Union Pacific and O-WR&N Co
GN-1A-9514Freight facilities1922SP&S, GNVancouverWA
Agreement dated 6-26-22 with SP&S Ry Co and GN, covering increase in rates for services, use of freight facilities at Vancouver, Wash., transfer service and terminal service.
GN-1A-11002Track maintenance1913SP&S, GN, NPPortlandOR
Agreement dated 6-14-13 with SP&S, NP and GN, covering division of maintenance expense of track leading to Union Meat Co. plant.
GN-1A-11003Switching1922SP&S, GN, NPVancouver, North Portland, St. Johns, Willbridge,  PortlandOR
Agreement dated 6-26-22 with SP&S Ry Co and GN, covering in crease in rates for switching between North Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Wash, St. Johns & Willbridge.
GN-1A-11042Freight facilities1954SP&S, GN, NP, UP, OWR&NNorth PortlandOR
Ageement dated Sept. 7, 1954 with N.P., U. P. S.P.&S. And G.N., covering freight handling facilities at North Portland.
GN-1A-14802Trackage1918-49SP&S, GN, NPWillbridge-PortlandOR
Agreement between Northern Pacific Railway Company and Great Northern Railway Company and Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Company covering trackage
GN-1A-15148Track material1942OT, UP, City of PrinevillePrinevilleOR
Agreement dated December 9, 1942, with OWR&NCO, Oregon Trunk Ry and City of Prineville covering conditional sale of track material to City of Prineville.
GN-1A-16629Bridge use1920SP&S, GN, NP, UP, OWR&N, SP, O&CPortlandOR
Agreement dated March 1, 1920 between OWR&NCO, Southern Pacific Co, Oregon and California Railroad Co. and Spokane Portland & Seattle Ry Co, Northern Pacific Ry Co, Great Northern Ry Co covering Lower deck of Willamette River Bridge.
GN-1A-17436Purchase PA&P RR construct sawmill1921United Rwy, PA&P, SP&S, GN, NPVernoniaOR
Agreement dated 7-19-21 between Central Coal & Coke Co, David C. Eccles, Great Northern Ry Co and Northern Pacific Ry Co regarding modification of trackage contract of 2-28-20 between Portland, Astoria & Pacific and United Railway Co as to option of United Ry to purchase P.A.& P. Also, Letter of 7-19-21 from Central Coal & Coke agreeing to cause Oregon American Lumber Co, owner of P.A.& P., to construct a sawmill on the line of the P.A.& P. if purchased by United Ry Co.
GN-1A-17955Joint trackage1930SP&S, GN, NP, OWR&N, SP, NP TerminalPortlandOR
Agreement dated December 31, 1930, Between NP Terminal Co of Oregon - GN Ry Co - SP&S Ry Co - NP Ry Co - OWR&NCO - Southern Pacific Covering Joint use of Spur tracks connecting Passenger Station with Guild's Lake terminal at Portland, Oregon. (Replaces contract of January 26, 1922, see new agreement LD 27099.)
GN-1A-18371Joint trackage1922SP&S, NP TerminalPortlandOR
Agreement dated May 1, 1922 with SP&S, and N. P. Terminal Co covering use of tracks between Portland Passenger and Guilds Lake Freight Terminals.
GN-1A-19504Joint trackage1928-58GN, NP, OWR&NLongview Jct-PortlandOR, WA
Agreements of May 1, 1928 between N.P. Ry Co, G.N. Ry Co, OWR&NCO covering operation of pool trains over tracks of Longview, Portland and Northern Ry Co between Olequa and Longview Jct.; of 4-26-1933 between GN, NP, and OWR&NCO providing for division of expense at Vancouver Passenger St., Columbia River Br., Willamette River Br., etc. in accordance with supp of 4-7-33; and of 9-22-58 between NP, GN, OWR&NCO, and UP supp to contract of 11-19-24 covering West end pool trains to take account of use by UP of trackage btw North Portland Jct. and Portland in place of its own line.
GN-1A-19577Joint trackage1924GN, NP, OWR&N, Milw, CC&CChehalisWA
Agreement dated 12-10-24 with Cowlitz, Chehalis,& Cascade Ry, C.M.&St.P. Ry Co, OWR&NCO, N.P. Ry Co and G.N. Ry Co covering advances to CC&C of funds for construction of extension to line , Lewis Co. Ry Co to purchase bonds issued by CC&C
GN-1A-19606Switching1924SP&S, GN, NP, OWR&N, Peninsula TerminalNorth PortlandOR
Ageement dated 2-25-24 between S.P.& S. RY Co, N.P. Ry Co, and G.N. Ry Co covering switching by SP&S of GN and NP cars to Industries at North Portland (stockyards) beginning 9-1-20 GN and NP to pay proportion of SP&S share of expenses under lease to it and OWR&NCO from Peninsula Terminal Co of certain tracks in North Portland. (Includes map of tracks and buildings.)
GN-1A-20060Trackage1925GN, NP TerminalPortlandOR
Agreement dated 9-14-25 between Reed Institute, N. P. Terminal Co of Oregon and G.N. Ry Co to purchase land and covering use of industry spurs by G.N. into Reed Institute Property adjoining Guil's Lake Terminal, Portland, Oregon
GN-1A-21464Brdge1927GNKlamath FallsOR
Agreement dated Sept 30, 1927 betwwn State Lands Commission, State of Oregon, and G.N. Ry Co Permitting GN to build a bridge across Lake Ewauna, Klamath Falls, Orgeon.
GN-1A-22045-A, B, CTrackage rights1910-50OT, DesChutes, GN, NPWishram-BendOR, WA
Agreements of 5-17-10 btn Oregon Trunk Ry and Des Chutes RR Co regarding use of OT btn No Jct and So Jct and btw Metolius and Bend; of 7-10-23 for use btw So Jct and Metolius; of 12-31-27 btw O.T. G.N and N.P. granting running rights over O.T. btw Wishram and Bend; of 12-26-28 btw N.P. and G.N regarding interpretation of traffic terms, and many further agreements.
GN-1A-22046Control of OC&E and Trackage rights1927-44GN, SP, OC&EKlamath FallsOR
Agreements of 11-18-27 btw Southern Pacific, Central Pacific and G.N. Ry Co regarding Control of the Oregon, California and Eastern Py and Interchange and terminal facilities at Klamath Falls, Oregon, including maps of trackage in use.
GN-1A-22070Purchase logging RR1927GN, Shevlin-HixonBendOR
Agreements of 12-31-27 btw Shevlin Hixon Co and G. N. Ry Co. Granting GN right to purchase undivided 3/4 interest in logging RR of Shevlin Hixon from a point near Bend southward 23.41 miles
GN-1A-22071Running rights1928GN, DesChutesMetoliusOR
Agreement of 5-1-28 btw Des Chutes RR Co and G.N. Ry Co granting GN running rights over Des Chutes tracks btw Metolius and South Jct. Oregon.
GN-1A-22073Running rights1928GN, OT, OWR&N, DesChutesBendOR
Agreement of 5-1-28 btw Des Chutes RR Co, Oregon Trunk RY, OWR&NCO, and G. N. granting running rights of GN over spur track known as Shevlin-Hixon spur, extending from O.T. line at Bend westerly across the Des Chutes River.
GN-1A-22241Trackage1926GN, OWR&N, LP&NOlequa-Longview JctWA
Agreement between Longview, Portland and Northern Ry Co, G. N. Ry Co, OWR&NCO covering operation of passenger trains over tracks of L.P.&N. between Olequa and Longview Jct. Wash.
GN-1A-22343Track material1939GN, SP, Kesterson LumberChemultOR
Agreement dated November 6, 1939 with Southern Pacific Co covering bill of sale and assignment to G.N. of track material covered by contract between SP and Kesterson Lumber Co.
GN-1A-22351Purchase of logging line1928-35GN, McCloud RiverLookout-HamboneCA
Agreements of various dates with McCloud River Lumber Co and G.N. Ry Co covering lease to Lumber Co of track material for construction of logging Ry and the sale of the line between Lookout and Hambone to Ry Co. (LD 26247 covers the operation of the line Lookout to Hambone)
GN-1A-22573Spur1928GNKlamath FallsOR
Agreement of October 31, 1928 between General Petroleum Corp of California and G. N. Ry Co covering spur trackage.
GN-1A-22815Spur1928GNSilver LakeOR
Agreement of December 17, 1928 between Larkey Brothers and G.N. Ry Co to construct spur 1 and 1/2 miles in length west of Silver Lake, Oregon.
GN-1A-22966Spur1923-29GN, SP, Lamm LumberModoc PointOR
Agreement dated 6-4-29 between Lamm Lumber Co, Southern Pacific Co and G.N. Ry Co making GN a party to the agreement between Lamm and SP dated 3-21-23
GN-1A-22967Interchange1935GN, SP, Lamm LumberKirkOR
Agreement dated 4-10-35 with SP Co and Lamm Lumber Co being cancellation of agreement of 6-11-24 covering operation of tracks for interchange of cars at Kirk, Oregon
GN-1A-22975Spur1929-49GN, SP, PorterLobertOR
Agreement of April 10, 1929 between L. K. Porter, SP Co and G. N. Ry Co covering construction maintenance and use of spur track at Lobert, Oregon.
GN-1A- 22977Spur1951GN, SPChiloquinOR
Agreement dated Sept. 21, 1951 with Union Oil Co of California, SP Co and G.N. Ry Co canceling a contract dated 10-15-1925 covering a spur.
GN-1A-22984Spur1922-29GN, SPChiloquinOR
Agreement between Standard Oil Co of California, SP Co, and G.N. Ry Co covering a spur track in Chiloquin, Oregon
GN-1A-22991Spur1918-29GN, SP, Algoma LumberAlgomaOR
Agreement between Algoma Lumber Co, SP Co, and G.N. Ry Co covering construction maintenance and use of spur track at Algoma,Oregon
GN-1A-22992Spur1919-29GN, SPChelseaOR
Agreement between W. D. Miller, SP Co, and G.N. Ry Co covering construction maintenance and use of spur track at Chelsea, Oregon
GN-1A-22994Spur1927GN, SPChelseaOR
Agreement between Dunn & Baker, SP Co, and G.N. Ry Co covering construction maintenance and use of spur track at Chelsea, Oregon
GN-1A-22996Spur1929GN, SPChiloquinOR
Agreement between Shell Oil Co, SP Co, and G.N. Ry Co covering construction, maintenance, and use of a spur track in Chiloquin, Oregon
GN-1A-23001-AInterchange1926GN, SP, Ewana BoxLumbertonOR
Agreement dated 4-5-30 between Ewauna Box Co, SP Co, G.N. Ry Co terminating contracts of 5-19-26 and 1-14-29 covering operation of tracks and interchange of cars at Lumberton, Oregon
GN-1A-23054Spur1915-29GN, SP, Pelican Bay LumberChelseaOR
Agreement 5-29-29 between Pelican Bay Lumber Co, SP Co, and G.N. Ry Co covering a spur track in Chelsea, Oregon
GN-1A-23055Spur1923-29GN, SP, Pelican Bay LumberChelseaOR
Agreement 5-29-29 between Pelican Bay Lumber Co, SP Co, and G.N. Ry Co covering a spur track in Chelsea, Oregon
GN-1A-23057Spur1923-30GN, SP, Pelican Bay LumberChelseaOR
Agreement 5-29-29 between Pelican Bay Lumber Co, SP Co, and G.N. Ry Co covering a spur track in Chelsea, Oregon
GN-1A-23059Spur1921-29GN, SP, Pelican Bay LumberChelseaOR
Agreement 5-29-29 between Pelican Bay Lumber Co, SP Co, and G.N. Ry Co covering a spur track in Chelsea, Oregon
GN-1A-23060Spur1921-29GN, SP, Pelican Bay LumberChelseaOR
Agreement 5-29-29 between Pelican Bay Lumber Co, SP Co, and G.N. Ry Co covering a spur track in Chelsea, Oregon
GN-1A-23079Spur1929-36GN, Klamath PineCorrallOR
Agreement 6-13-36 between Klamath Pine Lumber Co and G.N. Ry Co covering a spur track in Corrall, Oregon
GN-1A-23086Spur1916-29GN, SP, Lamm LumberModoc PointOR
Agreement 4-10-29 between Lamm Lumber Co, SP Co and G.N. Ry Co covering construction, maintenance and use of a spur track in Modoc Point, (formerly Lelu) Oregon
GN-1A-23107Sale of rail1936GN, Ewana BoxBlyOR
Bill of Sale dated September 15, 1936 between Ewauna Box Co and G. N. Ry Co conveying to Ewauna 1.75 miles of second hand rail at Bly
GN-1A-23214Road crossing1921-43GN, SPAlgomaOR
Agreement dated November 15, 1943 between J. Frank Adams, SP Co, and G.N. Ry Co cancelling a contractdated 11-1-1921 for a private crossing between Wocus and Algoma, Oregon.
GN-1A-23359Spur1929GN, SPChelseaOR
Agreement dated 11-19-29 between F. Hill Hunter, SP Co, and G.N. Ry Co for maintenance and use of a spur at Chelsea, Oregon
GN-1A-23362Spur1929GN, SP, Klamath LumberChelseaOR
Agreement dated 11-19-29 between Klamath Lumber & Box, SP Co, and G.N. Ry Co for maintenance and use of a spur at Chelsea, Oregon
GN-1A-26389Trackage rights1932GN, WP, McCloud RiverLookout-HamboneCA
Agreement dated September 30, 1932 between Western Pacific RR Co and G.N. Ry Co covering use of line between Hambone and Lookout, California
GN-1A-23617Sale of rail1937GN, Kesterson LumberChinchaloOR
Agreement March 11, 1937 between Kesterson Lumber Co and G.N. Ry Co cancelling conditional sale of 5 miles of used rail.
GN-1A-23618Spur1929GN, SP, Lamm LumberChinchaloOR
Agreement dated 11-30-29 between Lamm Lumber Co, Southern Pacific Co and G.N. Ry Co covering trackage at Chinchalo, Oregon
GN-1A-23675Maintenance1943GN, SP, OC&EKlamath FallsOR
Agreement dated April 26, 1943 between SP Co and G.N. Ry Co and O.C.& E. Ry Co providing that depreciation charges accuring on OC&E road property be treated as other operating charges and expenses
GN-1Interchange1930GN, SP, Forest LumberPine RidgeOR
Agreement dated 15-6-30 between Forest Lumber Co, Southern Pacific Co and G.N. Ry Co covering interchange trackage at Pine Ridge, Oregon
GN-1A-23894Spur1930GN, SP, Kesterson LumberKlamath FallsOR
Agreement dated June 27, 1930, between Great Northern Ry and Kesterson Lumber Co covering construction maintenance and operation of spur tracks at Klamath Falls, Oregon: Also covering conditional sale of track material.
GN-1A-23883Trackage rights1930GN, WPBieber-LookoutCA
Agreement dated Feb. 20, 1930, between Great Northern Ry & Western Pacific Railroad Co. covering trackage rights.
GN-223947-28388BOX SUMMARYVariousVarious
Law Department
GN-2A-23947Embankment1930GNTule LakeOR
GN-2A-24026Sale of rail1937GNChinchaloOR
GN-2A-2505343097Trackage1930GNKlamath FallsOR
GN-2A-25221Trackage1930OC&EKlamath FallsOR
GN-2A-25319Trackage1931OC&EKlamath FallsOR
GN-2A-25324Trackage1931GNKlamath FallsOR
GN-2A-25426Spur1931GNModoc PointOR
GN-2A-25430Cinder Ballast1931-44GNFinley Butte, La PineOR
GN-2A-2546444779Potato Warehouses1931GNHenley, Stronghold, Adams Point, MalinOR
GN-2A-2554644780Potato Warehouses1931GNAdams Point, MalinOR
GN-2A-25550Highway crossing1931GNBeiberCA
GN-2A-25551Trackage1931GNKlamath FallsOR
GN-2A-25619Road crossings (21)1931GNKlamath FallsOR
GN-2A-25620Road crossing1931GNKlamath FallsOR
GN-2A-25621Road crossings1931GNLassen & Modoc CountiesCA
GN-2A-25628Station Land & spur1931GNMalinOR
GN-2A-25633Trackage1931GNKlamath FallsOR
GN-2A-25461Trackage & Lumber1931GN, NP, Milw, UP, LP&NLongviewWA
GN-2A-25750Joint terminal1931GN, WPBeiberCA
GN-2A-25848Trackage1923GN, NP, LP&NLongviewWA
GN-2A-25849Crossing1928GN, LP&N, Columbia & CowlitzLongviewWA
GN-2A-25850Crossing1928GN, LP&NAdams Point, MalinWA
GN-2A-25861Crossing1925GN, LP&NLongviewWA
GN-2A-25863Crossing1926GN, LP&N, Columbia & CowlitzRocky PointWA
GN-2A-25865Crossing1926GN, LP&N, Columbia & CowlitzLongviewWA
GN-2A-25885Spur1927GN, LP&NLongviewWA
GN-2A-25887Spur1925GN, LP&NLongviewWA
GN-2A-25888Spur1927GN, LP&NLongviewWA
GN-2A-25889Spur1928GN, LP&NLongviewWA
GN-2A-25890Spur1927GN, LP&NLongviewWA
GN-2A-25891Spur1927GN, LP&NLongviewWA
GN-2A-25892Spur1929GN, LP&NLongviewWA
GN-2A-25896Spur1925GN, LP&NLongviewWA
GN-2A-25897Spur1923GN, NP, LP&NLongviewWA
GN-2A-25898Spur1925GN, LP&NLongviewWA
GN-2A-25899Switching1923-31SP&S, GN & NPWillbridgeOR
GN-2A-25937Spur1928GN, LP&NLongviewWA
GN-2A-25938Spur1930GN, LP&NLongviewWA
GN-2A-25939Spur1928GN, LP&NLongviewWA
GN-2A-25945Joint use1931GN, NP, UP, Milw, LP&NLongview JctWA
GN-2A-25952Trackage1932GNKlamath FallsOR
GN-2A-25990Water supply1932GNBendOR
GN-2A-26096Water supply1939GNMerrillOR
GN-2A-26140Road crossing1932GNModoc CountyOR
GN-2A-26171Crossing1932GN, NP, Milw, UPLongviewWA
GN-2A-26247Branch Operation1932GN, McCloud RiverLookoutCA
GN-2A-26335Joint terminal1932GN, WPBieberCA
GN-2A-26928Joint terminal1933GN, WP, McCloud RiverHamboneCA
GN-2A-27048Trackage1934GN, NP UP, Milw, LP&NLongviewWA
GN-2A-27099Joint terminal1933SP&S, GN, NP, NP TerminalPortlandOR
GN-2A-27100Joint Use1933GN, NP, SP, UP, NP TerminalGuilds LakeOR
GN-2A-27101Switching1933SP&S, GN, NP TerminalGuilds LakeOR
GN-2A-27102Crossing1933SP&S, NP TerminalPortlandOR
GN-2A-27166Underpass1934GNKlamath FallsOR
GN-2A-27409Joint Telegraph circuits1949SP&S, GN, OTPortland,  BendOR
GN-2A-27487Spur1934GN, NP TerminalGuilds LakeOR
GN-2A-2748848125Spur1934GN, NP TerminalGuilds LakeOR
GN-2A-27489Spur1934GN, NP TerminalGuilds LakeOR
GN-2A-27531Joint operation1933GN, SP, OC&EKlamath FallsOR
GN-2A-27641Spur1935GN, NP TerminalGuilds LakeOR
GN-2A-27736Water supply1935GNMalinOR
GN-2A-28124Highway bridge1935GNKlamath FallsOR
GN-2A-28388190Highway crossing1936OC&EDairyOR
GN-328406-37720BOX SUMMARYVariousVarious
Law Department
GN-3A-2840650708Overhead crossing1936GNBieberCA
GN-3A-28413Track Material1936GNFt. PeckMT
GN-3A-2841450604Road crossing1936GNKlamath FallsOR
GN-3A-2841550610Road crossing1936GNLa PineOR
GN-3A-29866Flood control1938GNBieberCA
GN-3A-28901Spur1936GN, NP TerminalPortlandOR
GN-3A-29062Overhead crossing1936GN, OT, UP, DesChutesMadrasOR
GN-3A-29284Fill material1937GNStrongholdCA
GN-3A-29381Overhead Pipe1937GNKlamath FallsOR
GN-3A-29493Trackage1937GN, SPModoc PointOR
GN-3A-29495Road Crossing1937GNBieberCA
GN-3A-29612Spur1938GNKlamath FallsOR
GN-3A-29857Interchange Track1938SP&S, GN, NP, UP, Peninsula Terminal North PortlandOR
GN-3A-29860Interlocking Plant1938GN, Brooks-ScanlonBendOR
GN-3A-30568Underpass1939GN, McCloud RiverLookoutCA
GN-3A-30701Spur1939GNGuilds LakeOR
GN-3A-31113Electric service1940GNLookoutCA
GN-3A-31641Spur1940OT, DesChutes, Brooks-ScanlonBendOR
GN-3A-31724Spur1941OT, DesChutes, Brooks-ScanlonBendOR
GN-3A-31731Interchange Track1941GN, OC&EKlamath FallsOR
GN-3A-31784Maintenance1940GN, SP, OC&EKlamath FallsOR
GN-3A-32136Spur1941GNKlamath FallsOR
GN-3A-32332Track gates1941GN, SPKlamath FallsOR
GN-3A-3240561912Road crossing1941GNChemultOR
GN-3A-32575road crossing1941GNLookoutCA
GN-3A-3258362537Spur1941GNGuilds LakeOR
GN-3A-3300262823Spur1942GNGuilds LakeOR
GN-3A-3302063606Road crossing1942GNScarfaceCA
GN-3A-3303563896Spur1943GNKlamath FallsOR
GN-3A-33254Trackage1942GN, SPChelseaOR
GN-3A-33401Road crossing1942GNLongviewWA
GN-3A-3355464804Trackage1942GNKlamath FallsOR
GN-3A-3359465686Road crossing1943GNAbbotOR
GN-3A-33826Operation1943SP&S, NP TerminalPortlandOR
Agreement dated July 14, 1943, with NP Terminal Co and SP&S on use by SP&S of passenger terminal for operation of shipyard passenger trains of the US Maritime Commission between Portland and Eavan, and construction of 70.8 feet of track for shipyard train use to connect with Maritime Commission track at Front Street
GN-3A-3401167073Road crossing1943GNCrescentOR
GN-3A-3407067195Spur1943GNGuilds LakeOR
GN-3A-34084Trackage1943GNKlamath FallsOR
GN-3A-34343Spur1944GN, SPChelseaOR
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